SAP aims to develop expanded critical and reflective dialogue around the work of socially engaged practice, be a platform to showcase new work, strengthen peer support for artist book distribution, and be a database of current and historic publications.

Launched in November of 2019, SAP is home to 9 Social Art publications that branch from Phycho-Geography, Queer Studies to 21st Century Folk Art.


If you are interested in creating or submitting a social art publication but unsure if it qualifies, Head to our collaborative Social Art Glossary here.

Social Art Library also has a helpful explanation,

Think you’re ready to submit a publication? Hit the link below to take you to our FAQs, a vital read before submitting.

SAP has held various launches for publications, such as ‘Elan Calls’ by R.M. Sanchez-Camus a creative and psychogeographic exploration of the Elan Valley. As well as Applied Live Art’s launch of ‘100 stars in the Sky’,. a self-mentoring tool inviting creative practitioners to choose a selection of tips as guides for any given project, situation or process

SAP wants you to have personal relationship with the publications, that is why ‘Afterwords’ – a Q&A was made alongside each author to give an insight into the different ways you can produce a publication. Every author is asked the same five questions about a selected book.

Afterword 3 Sanchez-Camus
Afterword 2 Idit Nathan
Afterword 4 Kate Genever

A four part Q&A was also created with the people working behind the scenes at SAP.

Q&A No.3 Sanchez-Camus
Q&A No.2 Deborah Weinreb